Friday, April 24, 2020

ANZAC Day Learning

ANZAC Day is on April 25th. 
It is a day we remember those who have fought or died in wars, in particular the 
Australian and New Zealand soldiers that fought at Gallipoli during the First World War.
This year all public ANZAC ceremonies are cancelled but there is lots of learning in these slides.
Have a look at the slides, see the videos, try the activities and talk about the slides with your family.
I really like the idea of decorating one of your windows at home with ANZAC decorations, 
then going for a walk around your neighbourhood to see if you can find others.
A nice way to remember them. Lest we forget.


  1. Hi Room 16
    I have been thinking about ANZAC day today just like you. I really like the idea of making a medal and decorating your windows at home.

  2. Hi Room 16.
    ANZAC Day is a really important day. In my street there were 9 houses (including me) who got up to 'Stand at Dawn'. Later in the day when I was out walking, I counted 22 houses with poppies in their windows. Did anyone else spot any?

  3. Malachi, Floyd and I coloured in some poppies and stuck them to our letter box and pinned one to the sloth (teddy) that is in our window too.
    I got up at 6am but no body else was keen to get out of bed!!

  4. Like Sarah, I couldn't convince my husband to get up at 6am, but our neighbour did, and we got woken up by the Last Post anyway! The best Anzac display we saw on the walk later was someone had written the ode along the path
    "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them." I liked it so much the next day I put a note in their letterbox, thanking them for doing that.
