Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Matariki 'Glow Show'

We were lucky enough to take a bus ride on a trip to a special Matariki show! It was held in a real theatre and it was very entertaining. The show involved some skilled puppeteering with amazing puppets which glowed in the dark under special lights. It was so cool! Unfortunately no photos were allowed during the show, but here are some before and after.

Matariki 2019

Happy Matariki! Happy Maori New Year!

Image result for matariki images

In room 16 we have been learning lots about Matariki. 
Keep checking our blog to see more.
Also have a look at our Puriri team website link to find out more about Matariki.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cross Country Running

We have been working on our fitness to prepare for our cross country run. We all trained hard and we all felt proud for doing our best and completing the course.
Can you spot the room sixteen people who placed in the top six for their year group? 

Monday, June 10, 2019

Our Stardome trip

We had a great time visiting the Stardome observatory! 
We learned about the sizes of the planets in our solar system, as well as how big they are compared to the sun.
We learned how fast the different planets orbit the sun, and about how day, night and the seasons work.
We also learned about some of the exploration currently taking place on Mars.
Thanks Stardome!  We really enjoyed our trip!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Area and Perimeter

We took advantage of some recent sunny weather to take our mathematics learning outdoors. We have been learning how to find the area and perimeter of shapes. 
We know that the perimeter is the total distance around the shape. You find the perimeter by adding the length of all sides of the shape.
We know that the area is the space inside the shape.  You find the area by multiplying the length of two of the sides.
We learned a lot and by the look of these photos had fun working together. Great stuff room 16!