Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Term 4 Green Week

Our focus for term 4 Green Week was insects. It was perfect that a bee swarm appeared in the tree outside our window! At first we were worried, but then we began to study bees. We learned that at the time when a queen bee leaves to make a new hive, the bees that are going with her fill up on honey. They are usually very calm at this stage. We learned so many interesting facts about these amazing little creatures and displayed them in the class. 🌺🐝🌻🐝🌼🐝

Garden To Table

We have had a great term at Garden To Table. It is one of our favourite things at Owairaka.
We work hard in the garden and in the kitchen. We love working together to produce a meal and we love sharing it!
Here are a few photos of our experiences.