Friday, July 31, 2020

Science magic

We investigated the polymers of plastic and rubber by piercing bags full of water and balloons full of air with sharp wooden skewers (and pencils!). Guess what? They didn't leak or pop! At first, it seemed like magic. Then we found out that it wasn't was science! 


  1. Fantastic Science exploring and learning Room 16! I wonder what you will discover next?

  2. Kia Ora, my name is Niamh and I’m from Room 7 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about balloon, pencil, skewer and and water experiment! I remember when I did something like this but floated eggs of the roof of my car, my egg had no eggs, but Lorin's sure cracked!. Have you ever tried floating eggs of a high place with a plastic bag?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog at Niamh year 6 blog

    Blog you later,
