Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Our bubbles

⚪   What is bubble life like for you?
Here are some bubble descriptions from some of room 16. Can you guess who they are?
Put your guesses in the comments section. 
Share your own bubble life writing with me for others to guess too.  ⚪



  1. Gosh, it is really hard for me to guess who has described their life in their bubble! I might need a clue!

  2. What a great way to publish your writing about your bubble Room 16. I am sure your classmates would have a better idea at who each of these bubbles belongs to.

  3. Malachi thinks the middle one is Artem and the bottom is Lyla. The top one wont show for us :(

  4. We are in Bubble B at school. We have done an activity called alphabet objects, riding on scooters, played hopscotch, worked on our computers. It is more fun being at home because we don't have to social distance. Artem, Noa and Blessed.

  5. Ka pai Room 16. I love the idea of this activity. What a great way to practise your writing while challenging people to guess who it is and comment on your blog. Keep up the great work!

  6. I think it's Malachi's in the third writing paper and the another one is Lyla's.

  7. Kia ora Room 16. Great to read these pieces of bubble writing. It is very hard to guess who they might belong to, but it sounds as though both these people are keeping really busy in lockdown. Great writing guys!

  8. Such a good writing activity. Bubble B had some fun writing at school. Would be great to read everyone's stories when we all get back to school.

  9. Hmm, I'm not sure who wrote each bubble story but it is lovely to read about what some room 16 children have been up to at home in their bubbles.
