Thursday, March 12, 2020

Seaweek Learning

We really enjoyed 'New Zealand Seaweek'. 
We learned a lot of interesting facts and were motivated to protect our precious oceans and the amazing creatures that live there. 
We had a special visitor, Riley Hathaway, from Young Ocean Explorers. She spoke to us about Auckland's incredible Hauraki Gulf and other cool ocean experiences. 
We have been enjoying exploring the website Check it out. 
We learned how important it is to make sure that 'only rain goes down the drain'. We also had a special 'green / blue' day when we all dressed in blue or green.
 "1, 2, 3, let's save our seas!"

Lyla was motivated to pick up plastics and rubbish that might otherwise have ended up in the ocean.
Great kaitiakitanga!


  1. Looks like your learning is extending beyond the classroom - nice one Room 16

  2. Good for saving our sea. From Kapiri

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good job keep it up! from Ariana
