Monday, March 12, 2018

🌏 Green and Blue day ~ hooray! 🌏

We finished Seaweek with a fun 'blue and green' day. At Owairaka we have a green day each term, but this term we made it green and blue day to celebrate Seaweek. We all dressed in blue or green. We made posters to show people how to care for the oceans and the creatures that live in it. We did shell art. We went to the library to read books about the ocean. We had a visit from Tui's dad who is a fisheries officer. We did a big tidy up in our school gardens. We had fun!
Franny, Madalin and Jake painted their faces.
We dressed up in blue and green.

Reading books about sea creatures in our school library.

Our clever shell sketches.

We did a fantastic job of tidying our school gardens.

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