Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Our topic focus for term three is technology. We are looking at how things are designed and why they are designed that way. We will identify problems and design ways to solve those problems. We are looking at ways we could improve the design of certain things. We began by investigating how we could design a stronger structure using drinking straws and blue-tack. Great concentration room sixteen!
Ezekiel concentrating hard.
Rutva and Floyd working together

Marley, Norman and Susana 

Haider and Marley focus on their designs

Our creations
Nice work!

Floyd and Rutva, proud of their creation

Ezekiel, proud of his efforts


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What an interesting challenge Room 16! I bet it was impossible to get this right the first time, but I am sure you kept trying. Miharo!
