We have lots of exciting things happening at school each day. There are book swaps on Monday and Tuesday morning and the library will be open before school on Wednesday and Thursday morning. Each lunchtime there are teachers reading cool stories in the library and you can make bookmarks in the library during first break too. Be sure to visit the library during a break time in book week! We have Anne Kayes, author of The Tui Street Tales, visiting us on Tuesday and every day we will have a surprise 'stop-drop-and -read' time. Room 16 also have the challenge of reading 50 books (or 50 chapters) in one week - you can do it!
Finally, on Friday, we have a special day to dress up as a character from a book for a parade and assembly. Which book character will you dress up as?
Check out our school library blog too to see all the exciting things that are happening.