Monday, February 29, 2016

Kia ora! Our focus at Owairaka for the next two weeks is 'getting along'. 
Living, working and playing with others is fun when everyone does their best to get along with each other. 

Water safety

The start of the school year has been scorching! Luckily our physical education focus has been swimming. We have been having heaps of fun as we learn essential water safety skills. Remember room 16, bring your togs and towel every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 😅

Monday, February 15, 2016


Tena koutou and welcome to a new school year!

2016 in room 16 promises to be a year of great learning, discovery and excitement! We are off to a fantastic start and have been working on ways we can make room 16 2016 the BEST CLASS EVER!

Our school-wide focus for the year is 'Making The World A Better Place'. What better place to start than your own classroom?

In addition we have a new focus every two weeks. It was lovely to hear and see people using good manners. What a feeling! Keep it up everybody!

Our focus for weeks 3 and 4 is 'Be Organised'. This is an essential life skill and really helps our learning.