Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mathematical problem solving

One approach we use during maths is collaborative problem solving. We get together in a focus group and are given a word problem. First we 'unpack' the problem to find the maths we need to do to solve it.  Initially we engage with the problem individually and then colaborate with others in our group to help each other find a solution. Using this approach allows us to engage with and solve a problem which we may not have been able to solve alone. It also exposes us to a wide variety of strategies that others may use to solve a problem. We find this a very supportive way to do some tricky maths.

Calendar Art

Our calendar art is now ready! Last term we worked hard producing some fantastic artwork which is now ready to be purchased by families as a school fundraiser. We learned about perspective in our artworks and how to represent foreground, middle ground and background. We are very proud of the results! Please feel welcome to view the artworks in the class and please support the school if you can by purchasing your child's artwork. The artworks can be made into a 2016 calendar ($13), a 2016 diary  ($18), computer mouse pad ($16), sketch pad ($15), or a pack of 8 cards ($14). They make great gifts too!